Friday, August 30, 2019

This company needs to be shutdown! I'm experiencing the same thing with them.
Out of all the comments I've read so far only one word stands not to be denied: FRADULENT! This is absolutely crazy!
You can upload card info, but ther's no option to remove it! So, when I wanted to cancel services they tried telling me that Im on an annual plan when originally it was advertised at $29 a month! They said it was in the fine print! So now, they've started taking money off my wife's card without any authorization when that's not even the primary card I gave to them!
They won't let you remove card info so they can illegally take funds from whatever card you supply without proper authorization!!
Why give you an ootion to select a primary or secondary card if they plan to pull miney off both of them anyway whether you permit to it or not?? This is beyond crazy!
I went for the cheapest option, which is $6 a MONTH. Ended up getting charged $65 and now it says I'm going to be charged 180 at the end of the year. I have tried mastering a code variety of my own tracks, and all it does is boost the volume. Scrap all the special measures it goes through in the loading on the "master," it literally just boosts the volume 2 decibels.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Read the fine print because they are very misleading. I wanted to experiment and see if this service would be good for quick masters for videos, so I signed up for a monthly plan. A monthly plan I quickly realized is a year commitment. I wrote to support and they were unhelpful and unapologetic. When I told them, as a self employed musician, that $29 a month for a year toward something I am not even using was something I couldn’t afford, they didn’t offer any solutions. *** you, eMastered. I am on my last month and you have taken my money all year. A company who claims to support musician’s interests. I am blocking you on my end from charging me for another year and I have made sure to screenshot that I did cancel my subscription.
Wow this is a real scam (this synth).
I guess that then their mastering service must be on the same level of quality.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

eMastered is either oblivious to the market competition or they think we are oblivious to the fact there are much better sounding, more feature rich, and much less expensive alternatives. Either way epic fail although it's possible newbies might fall for the scam.
if anybody from eMastered reads this thread, it's friggin' 2019 and this is not a product.

Here are most of the things you need to implement to have this plugin not suck in one convenient list:

A comprehensive manual, not a weak help section, that installs on the user's computer.
Brighten your damn interface.
Actual analog-modeled filters. Smooth out the zippering, fix the aliasing.
Have a modulation matrix with at least two slots.
Add modulation sources: the pitch and mod wheels, MIDI CC, et cetera.
Analog-modeled oscillators. Think about it.
A pulse-width knob, and PWM. You can't just have a square wave.
Add some oversampled oscillator sync. Consider adding oversampled FM and ring modulation.
Unison phase randomness control. No more pssshew.
Key-tracking, resonance, and drive on the oscillator filters.
Make it abundantly clear that you're supposed to modulate osc filters for normal poly sounds.
That probably means a complete reprogram of the presets.
Modulation system: either make it drag-and-drop like it says on your website, or don't claim it is.
Same with AI. Either implement it so it's noticeable, and provide documentation, or nix it.
Actually, I lied. just get rid of ALL your marketing copy. Start again when you've got a good synth.

And finally:
Release this for free because even when you've implemented all these things, it still won't be on par with Synth1.

Friday, August 16, 2019

I don't know about Artificial Intelligence but you'd need a complete lack of Real Intelligence to fall for this scam.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Hey fellow producers, I've been getting served some ads for an "AI-powered synth plugin" called Atom by a company called #emastered, so I did a little research it looks like it's basically false advertising designed to trick unexperienced artists. Don't let anyone fall for it!
This product is kinda indefensible.

Also - wtf would AI do in a simple subtractive synth, and why would you want AI to do anything? If you're calling an algorithm that boosts bass lost to increased filter resonance, that's not AI. So does it reduce the reverb mix if I adjust the amp envelope release, or some weird undesirable thing? (still not AI)

I'd love to see that claim backed up by example.
Think about this folks. This piece of crap is $10 less than Zebra 2.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

this synth......omg. Checked out the trial;

not even a per voice Filter. Crappy Delay, no modpage, no PWM, no way to turn off velo, the presets are sooo simple, 2 lfo's with per lfo just 1 (!!!) parameter to mod, center screen is filled with an animation that is there for NO reason (AT ALL), not resizable, no fm, no pm, no interaction between the osc's, only 4 filter types, quite crappy reverb


189 dollar????????????????????? What the actual f***

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

What a joke. "We make it louder. We squash it all down", and "We charge you 180 bucks a year for the privilege". What a joke.....

Scam company Its very sad how this operates. I don't know why google allow them to advertise. They take money even though you cancel. It...