Sunday, July 28, 2019

They advertise a cancel anytime-no hassle and no questions asked on memberships but fail to acknowledge only for the $39.99 plan. There are no indications to any obligations for the year other than the "annual commitment" under the plan. Of course they get you in the fine print, but when youre looking for a fast service that says you can cancel anytime, you tend to think its carrying over to the fine print, and you press submit payment a little to fast to know otherwise. This is called false advertising and technically, legally, you could take this to court as they mislead you into buying their plans with minimal upfront information. They do this with timeshares, so I suggest just changing your banking information, i.e get a new card so they cant take your money.

Scam company Its very sad how this operates. I don't know why google allow them to advertise. They take money even though you cancel. It...